Welcome to Tse Noodle
Authentic Chinese cuisine in the heart of Oxford
Rice Dishes
宮保蝦飯 - Kung Pao King Prawn Rice
姜葱油雞飯 - Ginger Scallion Oil Chicken Rice
茄子牛飯 - Sichuan Spicy Beef Aubergine Rice
麻婆豆腐飯 - Mapo Tofu Rice
糖醋排骨飯 - Sweet Sour Ribs Rice
叉燒飯 - Char Siu Rice (BBQ Pork)
烧鸭飯 - Roast Duck Rice
牛腩飯 - Braised Beef Rice
紅燒肉飯 - Braised Pork Belly Rice
白飯 - White Rice
Noodle Dishes
牛肉麵 - Aromatic Beef Noodle
重慶小麵(牛) - Chongqing Spicy beef Noodle
重慶排骨面 - Chongqing Spicy Pork Ribs Noodle
清湯排骨湯面 - Pork Spareribs Noodle
雲吞麵 - Prawn Wanton Noodle
麻辣饺子湯面 - Sichuan Spicy Pork Dumpling Noodle
豆腐菜湯麵 - Tofu Noodle
煎雞面 - Chicken Noodle
Tse Noodle
Tse Noodle
Tse Noodle
Tse Noodle
Tse Noodle
Opens daily 12:00-21:00
Find us at 8 Ship St, Oxford OX1 3DA, United Kingdom